School Council

The School Council has representatives from each class, from Yr.1 to Year 6. Every two weeks, we meet with Mrs Camacho, and sometimes a School Governor, to discuss ideas and issues related to the school.

We really believe that our views matter and we enjoy seeing our ideas being acted upon. We wear our School Council badges with pride and take our roles very seriously. At the start of the year, our peers voted us onto the School Council.

Since then, we each signed a contract pledging to:

  • be a good role model to our peers
  • be a polite listener
  • be the pupil voice for our class
  • seek the opinions of our peers
  • complete gap tasks set
  • respect others’ opinions
  • contribute sensibly and maturely to meetings
  • give up our time to complete activities related to School Council

We have an agenda for each meeting and minutes are taken. Minutes are available in the School Council folder and representatives feedback to their classes. .

As Council representatives, we are the eyes, ears and voices for our classes. We ask questions and listen to everyone’s views about our school. We take this information back to our meetings for discussion so that we can all help Chirton school to keep improving. An example of our school council in action is the introduction of ‘Big Heart Helpers’ in the playground.

We have stalls to raise money at school events like the Autumn Fair. We run whole school competitions and find new and interesting ways to support the school.

Each year we help the school to spread our vision of 'HOPE' (Helping Other People Everywhere) by selecting and supporting a local charity.  This year we are supporting Devizes Opendoors.

 Devizes opendoors

 We have a Chair and a Secretary. All other members are class representatives.

We are proud to be part of Chirton 'Big Heart' Council.

The School Council and Mrs Camacho

Pupil Parliament

Along with Mrs Bekker Wrench, we have launched a Pupil Parliament across Equa with a focus on sustainability. We are very excited to be working with our friends across the other schools and making a big difference to our planet.

We meet virtually on the last Thursday of every month and our friends at Lavington School take and circulate the minutes.



School Council