Chirton Primary

Pre School

Chirton Pips Pre School

We are delighted to have Pips Pre School working alongside us onsite. Although we are not currently formally linked, we have worked closely together for many years ensuring a smooth transition from Foundation Stage One into school. As a direct result of our close partnership, a timetable of events is in place across the academic year meaning our youngest children become familiar and form bonds with pupils, adults and environments across the school grounds; we also share a love of Forest School learning, often heading out to our wooded area together.

Pips statement:

'We believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life to help reach their full potential. A child's experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. We aim to provide a secure, safe, happy, stimulating environment to help them make the most of their abilities. To help us do this we work from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), where the aim is to help young children achieve the Early Learning Goals.'

Our Aim is:

  • To enable children to be lifelong learners. To have the confidence, ability, resilience and the independence to go onto bigger and better things.
  • To help initiate an interest in learning and discovery
  • To help the preschooler develop a strong feeling of self-worth
  • To help the preschooler interact with a peer group
  • To help the preschooler attain self-control and self-responsibility
  • To help the preschooler stimulate their creativity and imagination.

We have three levels of Risk Assessment in place - annual, weekly and daily.

We record every child's progress through regular observation.

Contact Details

Tel: 07925026556

Address: Chirton Pips Pre School, The Street, Chirton, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 3QS


At our last inspection, we were rated as OUTSTANDING!