
Welcome to the ‘Classroom of Faith!’

 We are the year 3 and 4 children of Chirton School and we are all looking forward to a busy and enjoyable year of learning. In our history lessons we will be travelling back in time to explore the Egyptians, Stone Age and a Local History Study. We will also continue to develop our scientific skills as we discover more about Living Things and their Habitats, Light and Electricity. In geography we have some exciting topics which include learning about the Water Cycle and Rivers; Europe and also Settlements and Land marks .Additionally, we will experiment with and use the artistic skills of drawing, collage and printing to create some individual pieces of art. There will also be new learning opportunities in other curriculum areas including PE lessons, learning to play a range of instruments, developing our computing skills during computing days and many more. 

As ever, handwriting and presentation is important and we will developing our ability to write in a neat cursive style.  In our writing lessons we will be focussing on using a wide range of vocabulary as well as the construction of different sentence types.

As a class, we love the opportunity to take our learning into the outdoors whether this is to make Model Rivers or use conkers to make luxurious hand soap. We will continue this year to make the most of our fabulous Forest School provision with regular visits to the woods as well as developing our new allotment within the school grounds. 

In our Whole Class Reading sessions we will be listening to and discussing a wide range of text. These text are often linked to current special event or topic. As well as Whole Class Reading lessons, Faith class will read a range of books together. We have started with reading The Last Bear which we are all enjoying.  Every week children will also have a Library session where they will have the opportunity to choose a book to read for enjoyment at home and school.

We love having people in our classroom to help out and are incredibly lucky to have some fantastic reading champions who come in every week to hear us read and to help us with our learning. . If you can spare any time to come and help us with our learning please get in touch with Mrs Bridewell. 

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Miss R Sibun, Miss L McCarthy, Mrs H Forshaw and the children of Faith Class